i have afraid to love

fazendo arte
1 min readSep 2, 2022


i am writing in english for two reasons: i need better my repertory for enem and because i see that have a funtion in medium, who permit listen the text, only english. so i am subordinate for this.

yes, i know, i writte much about afraid, buts thats life baby, i feel it in my blood, its like a friend actually. she knows life wich me, and i wich she (frear).

so, why am i a fearful? i dont know if i start for the real reason or the reasons that i ivented for pretend its all ok.

  1. i’m tauru, dont laugh, i am opening up to you.
  2. my test of personality give enfp-t.

ok, if this reasons dont serve and look superficial, keep reading it.

  1. my parents are marriege, they always fight a lot, since i understand myself as people. they dont fight only wich herselfs, but with everything.
  2. i dont knew love myself, nobody was talk with me about it, how love outher persons without love yourself? its usuless.
  3. during all my life i was taught and trained in dont trust in no one, and most of the time when i did this, i feel the pain that this can induce.

this text is in my notes for months because i felt that something was missing but fuck off.



fazendo arte

sei o que me salva e o que mata, só não a dose exata. -arruda